Alternative Medicine for Chronic Diarrhea

[ad_1] People usually don’t like to talk about their bathroom issues, but for some it is an enormous problem. These days up to two billion people have diarrhea in one year – a colossal number. Diarrhea usually is not a sickness itself; it is a symptom of many harmful processes in our digestive system. Some … Read more

Have Acid Reflux? Try This GERD Natural

[ad_1] GERD is something which no one wants to experience. However, acid reflux is very common. Stress, diet and unhealthy lifestyle are often the causes of GERD. If you suffer from acid, you may experience one or all of the following complications: inflammation, sore throat, respiratory problems such as asthma and fibrosis of the esophagus, … Read more

Medication Can DEGRADE Your Acid Reflux

[ad_1] Can Aciphex bring any true relief to victims of heartburn? In the following article, a former heartburn patient tells the tragic truth about Aciphex, after having compared with many alternative solutions. As an Over The Counter medicament against heartburn, Aciphex is known by millions. Sales per annum of this drug topped $1.3 billion (figures … Read more

Colon Cleansing – Quick Exit Food Strategy

[ad_1] 10 day colon cleansing practices such as the master cleanse lemonade diet are an excellent way to thoroughly cleanse out your colon. Following this cleansing method, you will be feeling 10 pounds lighter, full of life and vigor reminding you of what it was like to be 20 years old again. Why does this … Read more