Alimentary Canal Disorders and Syndromes


Cleft lip is a malformation resulting from failure of the maxillary and median nasal processes to fuse during embryonic development. Cleft palate is a midline fissure of the palate resulting from failure of the two sides to fuse during embryonic development.

Physical assessment

Perform routing physical assessment. Inspect palate, both visually and by placing fingers directly on palate. Observe feeding behaviours

Nursing care plan

1. Provide adequate nutritional intake

2. Modify feeding techniques to adjust to defect (feed in sitting position, use special appliances, encourage frequent bubbling, assist with breast-feeding if method of choice)

3. facilitate family’s acceptance of infant, allow expression of feelings.

Stomach-intestinal bleeding

The cause of bleeding depends on the age of a child, in infants-haemorragic diseases; in toddlers-surgical conditions (intussusception, hernias); in young children (3-7 years)- acute infectious gastroenteritis, diverticulitis; schoolers-peptic ulcer, gastritis erosive.

Main symptoms are;

• vomiting with blood or like coffey, it always contains food particles

• blood in stool or melena (black feces)

• bleeding from the lower part of bowels is characterized by unchanged blood or clottings of blood in stool

• in case of great blood loss the general condition of the child becomes bad soon: thread-like pulse, tachycardia, paleness because of acute anemia, weakness, low blood pressure.

Medical care

Hospitalize the child immediately

Keep child calm

Put ice-ball on abdomen

Adminster hemostatic therapy if prescribed: 10% solution of calcium chloride, 1% vicasoli, 12.5% dicinoni, 5% Acidi ascorbinici solution.

Syndromes of digestive system

1. Painful syndrome

2. dyspeptic syndrome

3. intoxication syndrome

4. malabsorption

5. acute abdomen

6. Exicosis

7. Toxicosis

8. Hypotrophy

9. Obesity

10. Jaundice

11. Hepatolineal syndrome

12. Cholestasis

13. Cytolysis

14. Portal hypertension

15. Pylorospasm

16. Pylorostenosis

17. Hypovitaminosis

18. Dyskinesia


Source by Funom Makama

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