3 More Foods To Avoid If You Have H Pylori

[ad_1] H pylori infections are relatively common. Some people develop nasty symptoms, whereas others do not. The majority of people who do develop symptoms experience problems in the upper GI tract, such as heartburn, bloating and stomach pain, though some may also develop lower GI symptoms such as diarrhea. What many folk don’t realize is … Read more

Alimentary Canal Disorders and Syndromes

[ad_1] Cleft lip is a malformation resulting from failure of the maxillary and median nasal processes to fuse during embryonic development. Cleft palate is a midline fissure of the palate resulting from failure of the two sides to fuse during embryonic development. Physical assessment Perform routing physical assessment. Inspect palate, both visually and by placing … Read more

Major Abdominal Cause of Concern – Peptic

[ad_1] Peptic ulcer is an erosion of the mucosal wall of the stomach pylorus, or duodenum. Gastric Ulcer affects the lining of the stomach, whereas a duodenal ulcer involves the pylorus or duodenum, Although peptic ulcers are more common in adults, they are also a significant pediatric problem, occurring most frequently between 12 and 18 … Read more

Heartburn Medicine – Tips For Effective

[ad_1] Heartburn medicine: it’s all the same, isn’t it? According to the advertisements, they all work wonderfully. Rolaids, Pepcid, Prilosec, Prevacid. But isn’t there some sort of difference between antacids and The Purple Pill? What about over-the-counter medications as compared to prescription drugs? Not only is there a difference in how these medications work, there … Read more