Controlling Diverticulitis Naturally

[ad_1] Have you been diagnosed with diverticulitis? Welcome to one of the fastest growing groups in the United States today. Diverticulitis is ranked in the top six disorders diagnosed at ambulatory care centers, and there were more than 236,000 deaths, in the United States, with a digestive disease as the underlying cause. This represents 9.8 … Read more

Quit Smoking & Rebuild Body

[ad_1] Supplements to Stop Smoking: Plantain and Lobelia are the most popular and well-known herbs to quit smoking. Plantain is one of the safest supplements to quit smoking. Lobelia while effective can cause stomach irritation. Pairing Lobelia with Ginger helps lessen possible stomach irritation. Kudzu Root is known for helping people reduce alcohol and cigarette … Read more

3 More Foods To Avoid If You Have H Pylori

[ad_1] H pylori infections are relatively common. Some people develop nasty symptoms, whereas others do not. The majority of people who do develop symptoms experience problems in the upper GI tract, such as heartburn, bloating and stomach pain, though some may also develop lower GI symptoms such as diarrhea. What many folk don’t realize is … Read more