A Heartburn Cure – It’s Important To Break


How long have you’ve been taking antacids? Ever wonder what it would be like to go with a permanent heartburn cure. Usually heartburn is caused by the wrong foods and eating to much, something that can be cured, once you know how. Try to imagine how much better your life would be without this problem.

Even if you only have one or two heartburn symptoms, you should still take the heartburn cure. But for starters you can see how many of these symptoms are on your list:

– Excessive burping or belching

– Bad taste in the mouth

– Chest pains with meals

– Change in voice

– Hoarse cough

If any of these are the reason you are taking antacids, then it may be time for a heartburn revision.

There is no point in continuing to spending money if temporary relief is all you get, at some point the question becomes, is there a better alternative? And the answer is yes, there are heartburn cures based on a practical approach, ones that are safe and natural and offer more benefit for the money than over-the-counter medications. These are natural heartburn remedies.

The cause of heartburn can determine the cure. If you have common symptoms, the cause may be food that doesn’t agree with you. Some of these foods are too acidic, like tomatoes, oranges and grapefruits, but may be tolerated in moderation. It’s good to keep a record to help with your heartburn cure plan.

Once you’ve isolated the trouble makers, you have part of the solution. It’s not uncommon to have a digestive problem with certain foods, which can make your cure different. The answer can be in combining foods. If certain acidic foods are the problem then eating alkaline foods with it can often neutralize the situation before heartburn can occur.

You can start off on the right foot with a visit to your family doctor. You doctor can tell you whether tests should be done to measure acid levels and confirm damage to the esophagus or duodenum. Advanced conditions may call for special medication or even surgery, so you see, early diagnosis and treatment are important.

For less serious heartburn problems your doctor will probably agree with a natural approach that corrects and cures your heartburn.

There is a down side to putting off a cure. Many health problems can result from long term acid imbalance and taking meds for a quick fix. Too often heartburn can escalate or even be a symptom of some other problem, if the cause and right heartburn cure are not defined.

This can happen because the body is an interconnected system. Calcium, for instance, isn’t only a bone issue, it is very important for neutralizing excess acid.

It’s easy to get on board by familiarizing yourself with nutritional guidelines. Adopting the recommended menu will reduce acidic foods and increase servings of alkaline foods. A change like this makes it easier for the stomach to maintain the proper pH balance, and help the body manufacture what it needs to function well.

Following the USDA’s menu plan, for example, will bring you closer to the body’s own healthy pH. This is a much more nutritional and digestible meal. Add a natural heartburn remedy and you have a practical cure for heartburn and a smart way to ward off other health issues.


Source by Gilbey Scott

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