Combat Male Depression


Not only women are affected by depression but even men. Discover the best ways on how to beat this problem for better male enhancement.

Most of you will deny it but the truth is depression affects the males just as it does the ladies.

Yes, everyone has probably heard those jokes regarding the midlife crisis of men and self identity queries that usually go with this.

However, there happens to be a darker side as far as male depression is concerned. More than millions of people are taking their lives all over the world every year. In fact, American males are 3 to 4 times more likely to take their lives as compared to women. The truth is, American men of 20 to 24 years of age have suicide rate that is 7 times higher compared to the ladies belonging to the similar age bracket.

Depression and Its Symptoms

While not all of the depressed men will commit suicide, depression symptoms can affect the lives of men have a profound effect on their health, careers as well as loved ones. These symptoms can include feelings of helplessness, guilt or hopelessness, low mood as well as inability of feeling pressure, insomnia, and lack of energy.

Making the problem even harder is that men usually find it hard to ask for assistance and reach out when they feel that depression is closing in on them. For them, reaching out makes them weak and unmanly in the eyes of other people.

Best Ways to Fight Male Depression

  • The very first thing that you can do is talk to people. While discussing it out in the open might seem hard, chances are they will talk about symptoms related to depression that they experience, such as lack of energy and insomnia. Talking with your doctor can be a great place to start since he will be able to determine the cause of your symptoms.
  • Never keep your feelings to yourself. If you have an issue with a person, tell another about it. Learn to lessen the tension that might build inside you.
  • Stay active. Regular exercise benefits both your mind and body and this will not just give you better sleep as this is also a great way for relieving stress, not to mention that this can also help you shed of those extra pounds. There are studies that associate obesity and depression. Exercise will not only make you look better for chances are, this will also make you feel even better.
  • Practice relaxation exercises and techniques such as yoga. Go for a massage or you can also try aroma therapy. For instance, lemon oil is a proven potent anti-depressant and according to clinical studies, this also reduces stress.
  • Follow a healthy diet composed of vegetables and fruits. Some of the foods best for fighting depression include oily fish, leafy veggies, whole grains and brown rice. Herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon have high content of omega 3 fatty acids. Stay away from those processed foods as well as those with high sugar and fat content. Also, avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine that can only worsen your symptoms of depression.
  • Spend your time on good hobbies. The best way for fighting depression is doing something that you actually enjoy. Whether it is collecting stamp, golfing or any other hobbies, allot time for it. And having a hobby that you can do outside under the shining sun is definitely better.

Male enhancement can be greatly affected by depression. By combating this problem, you will surely get the kind of enhancement that you want.


Source by Sherry Joseph

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