Hiatal Hernia Symptoms, Causes And

[ad_1] The diaphragm is a muscle tissue that separates your chest from your stomach. Normally all your stomach organs are located below the diaphragm. To reach the stomach, your esophagus goes down through the center of your chest and through an opening in the diaphragm. This opening is called the hiatus. Depending on multiple conditions … Read more

Hiatal Hernia, Acid Reflux, GERD,

[ad_1] Causes Hiatal hernia can be caused by a number of things, often unique to each sufferer. One common cause, however, can be described as “mechanical”: that is, caused by lifting improperly, heavy bouts of coughing, attacks to the abdomen, tight clothes, or poor posture. Lifting a heavy item whilst holding your breath (which happens … Read more

Treatment For Hiatal Hernia – Cure Hiatal

[ad_1] Trying a treatment for hiatal hernia could be the best thing you do this year. With simple acid reflux remedies you could cure your symptoms quickly. A hiatal hernia is also known as a diaphragmatic hernia. This can happen when part of your stomach pushes through the stomach opening called the diaphragm. This is … Read more