7 Simple Solutions to Appease Late Night


What person hasn’t shot up erect from sleeping during the night, awakened by the unanticipated awful burning discomfort in the abyss within their stomach area? No matter if you took part in very hot and spicy meal, or consumed to much of all those late-night leftovers, these rapid heartburn symptoms solutions can relieve any tormented stomach and assist you in getting straight back to sleeping peacefully.

1. When you are disturbed out of your sleep by painful heartburn you will first need to stand upright. This will assist in retaining the acid under control while you head to get a whole cool glass of water.

2. Once you finish the whole glass of water you will need to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1/2 a glass of water and drink it down. A warning is needed here for those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure as this remedy can cause some water retention as well as boost your blood pressure.

3. Stay clear of mints or milk to get rid of your heartburn. These may give some relief in the beginning but they consist of proteins and fats that only add to the chemical process that will cause your stomach to produce more acid and make the heartburn actually more intense. You will find that mints can be somewhat soothing but what they will also do is to relax a small valve between the stomach and esophagus that is there to keep your stomach acids back. Once the valve is relaxed unwanted acids can travel up causing more painful heartburn.

4. Sometimes the pain of heartburn can be caused by not enough acid in the stomach. Believe it or not, taking a tablespoon of vinegar is just the remedy to supply the acid your stomach needs and give immediate relief to the problem.

5. It is known that there are certain foods that when eaten before bedtime can perpetuate heartburn. These are some of them that you should stay away from altogether to prevent the painful burning that heartburn can cause. To start beverages that contain caffeine like carbonated sodas, then there is of course garlic, alcohol, chocolate, tomatoes and tomatoes based items, along with citrus fruits. Avoiding these foods especially before bedtime can save you from an aggravating and unbearable burning through the night.

6. For this ailment try a banana a day to keep your heartburn away. In cases where you already have indigestion you can eat papa, pineapple, or drink the juice to settle the situation. How about a teaspoon of mustard to quiet the beast. It works!

7. A few more things you may do is to try to sleep at a slightly upright angle or on your left side it has the tendency to make it harder for the acid to flow upward. Keep your stomachs acid producing activity to a minimum by not eating for at least two hours before bedtime.

While the remedies above will help ease nighttime heartburn in most cases, if you find that you are getting the attacks on a regular basis or they come with a lot of pain or vomiting, this may indicate that the situation is of a much more serious nature. It is advisable at that time to seek the advice of a doctor without delay. In the meanwhile stay away from the things that can get you into a problem before bedtime to have a peaceful, restful sleep.


Source by Gracie Matthews

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