A GERD Natural Treatment – A Holistic


If you experience heartburn, bile in the throat, or wake in the middle of the night from the pain in your chest, you may have GERD. It is a chronic and advanced form of acid reflux. It is a disease caused by the rise of gastric juices or abnormal reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. There is a holistic approach for curing GERD, natural treatment.


This disease is often caused by temporary or permanent alterations in the lining of the esophagus. When the lower esophageal sphincter [LES] is ineffective or relaxes for an abnormal time, severe acid reflux (back flow) results damaging the mucosal membrane in the esophagus.

In adults, acid resting in the esophagus is the most common cause of the symptom of an acute heartburning sensation. This painful sensation continues behind the sternum or breastbone. Overtime without treatment, it can result in GERD.

An inflammation of the lining of the esophagus, called esophagitis, may be the cause of yet another common symptom in adults, difficulty in swallowing and chronic chest pains.


Rapid coughing, persistent pains in the ears, sinusitis, hoarseness or voice change are also indications of a severe acid reflux condition. Other symptoms include chest pain, swallowing, halitosis or bad breath, repeated throat clearing, or a regurgitation of saliva mixed with stomach bile.

Do not neglect these symptoms. In its severest form it may lead to narrowing of the esophageal opening or even ulcers in your esophagus. There is a cure for acid reflux and GERD, natural treatment without drugs. Listed below are just five of the many remedies in the holistic treatment of this ailment.


  1. Taking papaya digestive enzymes, papain, assist the stomach in protein digestion.
  2. Eating pineapple reduces acidity in the stomach and supports wound healing.
  3. Adding cinnamon to your toast reduces acidity.
  4. Eating grapefruits also eliminate excess acid.
  5. Eating romaine lettuce will help to eliminate acid reflux and severe heartburn conditions.

These are only a very few of the remedies that are available to you. If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, there is no need to resort to expensive drugs. You can cure yourself in a matter of two months with a simple, easy system.


Source by Tony Perez

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