Acid Reflux Treatments – Acupoints,


Scientist at the University of Adelaide in Australia conducted studies through the application of a mild electrical pulse in order to stimulate an acupressure point on the wrist known as the Neiguan or Pericardium 6 – P6. This acupressure point is linked to upper gastrointestinal conditions such as acid reflux. The stimulation of the acupoint resulted in the reduction of relaxations of the lower esophageal sphincter – LES. The relaxation of the LES is known to be the major cause of acid reflux syndrome. The acupoint stimulation reduced transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations – TLESRs, by a significant 40%, from 6 per hour, to 2 and ½ per hour. This reduction was also noted as being significantly higher than the results witnessed in the placebo group, whose members received just a mock stimulation on the hip.

Acupressure is a branch of Chinese traditional medicine whereby, pressure is applied by hand to the same acupoints, as those in which needles would be inserted during acupuncture treatments. Electrical acupoint stimulation is a high-tech version of the traditional procedure of acupuncture. Through the application of pressure to acupoints prescribed by ancient Chinese charts, specific areas and organs of the body may be effectively treatment of ailments using the energy of the meridian system known as Yin. In the process, Yang and Qi are brought into alignment, thereby allowing the body to heal itself.

The acupoint stimulation used in the above study was a modern version of ancient Chinese procedure, whose needles were replaced by electrodes that were used to send small electrical pulses to specific acupuncture points on the skin. According to traditional Chinese medicine, these points are connected to the internal pathways which conduct energy throughout the body. It is through the stimulation of these points that a healthy flow of (energy) is achieved.

You may also apply pressure to the P6 using your fingers. Acupoints are normally located beside and in between bones, tendons and ligaments. They are however, not found on bones, blood vessels or arteries, but instead in the depressions beside or between them. For years, acupressure to the P6 has been used in the treatment of vomiting, nausea, motion sickness, sea sickness, morning sickness, as well as post-op nausea. This traditional Chinese remedy has also been used in the remedy of insomnia, fever, epilepsy, chest pain and migraines. Acupressure wrist bands, also referred to as “sea bands” are today being used for this very purpose. The acupressure wrist band is designed to fit snugly onto the wrist, and has a small plastic button which is pressed in order to apply pressure to the P6. It is widely believed that these acupressure wrist bands may be instrumental in the reduction of acid reflux.


Source by Joan One

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