Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) And

[ad_1] Foods may cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms: In the U.S., most doctors have been, and continue to be, skeptical that foods cause symptoms of (IBS) and elimination of specific foods can improve these symptoms. This is despite almost 70% of people diagnosed as having IBS reporting symptoms related to specific foods. There is … Read more

Few Practical Suggestions to Heal the

[ad_1] Heartburn can cause extreme discomfort, especially when it lasts for an extended period of time. It becomes even more irritating if you have no idea of any effective remedy to deal with it. In the following, we have tried to give you a brief analysis of its causes and relevant remedies. Symptoms and Major … Read more

How Can the Cuttlefish Help Your

[ad_1] Move over TUMS! There’s a new game in town. Chinese Herbs and their formulas are highly sophisticated and synergistic tools used by the Chinese Medicine Practitioner. They are extremely effective in the treatment of Acid Reflux, Heartburn or GERD. Readers will be surprised by the power and energy they embark, particularly when combined with … Read more

What Are Stomach Ulcers?

[ad_1] Stomach ulcers, also known as gastric ulcer or peltic ulcer, is a lesion that forms in the lining of the stomach. Doctors used to believe that stressful lifestyle and poor diet caused ulcers. Later, it was discovered that an off-balance between digestive fluids (hydrochloric acid and pepsin) resulted in ulcers. Today, research shows that … Read more