Tips For Taking Maca If It Gives You


I have gotten quite a few questions about how to deal with Maca powder and digestive issues such as light cramping or upset stomach. Generally this is attributable to the extra starch content found in Raw Maca products and the solution is often as simple as switching over to a cooked Maca powder called Gelatinized Maca.

Recently, however, I received a question about how to take Maca powder if it gives you heartburn. I’ve put together a list of my top tips to help you still get the benefits of Maca and avoid the discomfort of heartburn.

As a long time user of Maca Powder as well as a natural health consultant, I’ve seen that it’s really rare for people to have heartburn from Maca. But it does happen sometimes. I’m not 100% sure what causes it. But I have discovered a few things that can really help people overcome heartburn and other digestive issues when taking Maca products. Here is the list:

  1. For some people Raw Maca powder is too strong to digest due to its high concentration of starch. If you also get upset stomach on Maca as well as heartburn, then you really should try Gelatinized Maca. It’s had the starch content removed which makes it much easier to digest. Most people with sensitivity to Raw Maca powders report no troubles at all with Gelatinized Maca.
  2. Make sure you are getting high quality Certified Organic Maca and Fresh – that’s a really, really big help. Some Maca powders have chemical fertilizer residues and have sat around too long before being used. We certainly want to avoid this if at all possible.
  3. Try Red Maca since it’s the sweetest and most palatable. Some people who have had trouble with other Maca powders do just fine with Red Maca.
  4. Try taking Maca with yogurt, avocado or milk or another fatty food – this often helps ease the stomach.
  5. Make sure to keep your dosages small (less than a teaspoon at once) until you feel like you can increase the quantity.
  6. Avoid taking Maca with any kind of fruit – this makes the heartburn worse.
  7. If all else fails, try taking your Maca in combination with digestive enzymes. You can get them at your health food store. This has helped quite a few people, although quality enzymes tend to be expensive.

Also remember that Maca is part of the mustard family and is by nature a bit spicy. But if you’re using a good quality product with some fatty food, you should be able to get it down without having digestive issues. Really hope this helps and wish you a great day!


Source by Mark A Ament

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