People that are suffering from acid reflux sometimes find that it is just as painful to find a remedy as it is to deal with this problem. If you are one of these people that are having a hard time controlling acid reflux, there are a couple of things that you can do to help.
First off, if you are suffering from severe acid reflux seeing a doctor may be the best place to start. They will be able to put you on the right track, while also running tests to ensure that you are actually suffering from acid reflux and nothing more serious.
There are a few medications that are commonly used to treat acid reflux. They are as follows.
1. Acid suppressants are a great way to control acid reflux. These are sometimes also known as H2-antagonists.
2. Proton-pump inhibitors reduce the products of acid in the stomach, which in turn reduces the amount of acid reflux that occurs.
3. Pro-kinetic medications can help speed up the stomach emptying process. This goes a long way in ensuring that acids do not stick around for too long.
4. Antacids can sometimes be used to treat acid reflux, but you should consult with a doctor before using them. The reason for this is because they are not recommended for use by people who are suffering from GERD.
For information on where to buy Nexium or other medications to treat heartburn and acid reflux visit PharmacyScout.com.
Source by Jeff Melville