What Foods Cause Frequent Indigestion? –


Certain foods can cause frequent indigestion. So if you want to know what they are, read on!

If you’re affected by acid reflux, or even the much more serious GERD, you may be able to rid yourself of it by merely modifying your diet. You might not need to go on medication or choose to have a surgical procedure to fix the problem.

It is very common to suffer from acid reflux in the evening, so make a decision not to eat after dinner. Try to stop eating 2-3 hours before you go to bed. The message is simple…don’t eat before bedtime if you can avoid it (and you usually can).

Diet may be the greatest routine you can adjust to reduce your acid reflux. If you want to cut back your chances of getting heartburn, try to stay away from acidic food. Juices and coffee should be reduced or eliminated, as well as anything with alcohol.

Often the food items you love seem passable, but they might cause your stomach to make acid, which in turn produces conditions ripe for heartburn. Foods that contain high fat, such as chocolate (yes, chocolate), and hot foods containing peppers will induce acid reflux. Foods that use tomato sauce, like lasagna, are a massive trigger when it comes to indigestion and need to be eaten in reasonable quantities.

If you really wish to avoid the pain and discomfort of indigestion, you need to think about portion control. Reduce the amount of food you eat. It really is that simple. If your stomach is overly full, the food will literally get driven up into your esophagus, and since it’s blended with all of the acid in your stomach, it can generate that very painful burning sensation.

Avoiding frequent indigestion is all about the small changes you make in your diet and when you choose to eat.


Source by Frank Hagan

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