What Is Heartburn and Is It the Same As


Many people, including myself have confused heartburn and acid reflux. They are not the same thing. In fact, heartburn is actually a symptom of acid reflux. So, what is heartburn?

Specifically, heartburn is when the esophagus is irritated by stomach acid. Another term that you may be familiar with is acid indigestion, which means the same as heartburn.

Another term that you may have heard is GERD, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. If you have frequent acid reflux, then you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Acid reflux is when the contents of the stomach, specifically the stomach acid back up into the esophagus. This causes the burning feeling in the chest.

So, why does this happen to so many people? What is medically happening to those of us that suffer from this condition is that the lower esophageal sphincter is weakened or relaxed at times. It is simply not closing fast enough to stop the stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus.

Now, there are many different causes of heartburn, which means that you may have a different trigger than what I do. But, the most common trigger is food, which most people are aware of now anyway.

I am not a physician, so you should always get an accurate diagnosis of the problems you may be having with your stomach, especially if the problems are related to your heart. The name heartburn can be a little misleading as it has nothing to do with the heart.

What Can You Do if You Have Heartburn?

The most common thing that people take for heartburn are antacid tablets. If you only get an occasional bout of this condition then antacids are fine. But, if the problem is recurring then your doctor may give you a prescription or recommend a different over the counter heartburn medicine.

One thing that I have not yet tried that was recommended to me is to raise the head of your bed up a few inches. What this does is help gravity prevent stomach acid from leaking into the esophagus.

Many people think that heartburn is not a serious issue and they are right but chronic heartburn can develop into something more serious so it is important to not ignore the symptoms.

If you prefer not to take medication to relieve your symptoms then why not try some natural methods to cure your heartburn. me.


Source by Tom Houser

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