Easing Acid Reflux – Safe Foods for

[ad_1] Your heartburn problem tends to be aggravated or ameliorated depending upon the foods you eat. Some foods are high in fat content that flare up the problem, but these may not necessarily cause heartburn in all the healthy persons. However, eating such foods as a matter of routine may impair their digestion and give … Read more

Acid Reflux Diet Not As Effective When

[ad_1] Although the nutrient-dense, acid reflux diet is a major step to healing and building optimal health, removing amalgam fillings (silver fillings) is extremely important as they are a major source of heavy metal toxicity. What most people do not realize is that the largest portion of metal used for fillings is mercury–at least 54% … Read more

What Prompts Heartburn In Women

[ad_1] Heartburn is mostly the penance we pay for overindulgence. Eating too big a meal, enjoying greasy, acidic and spicy food, overdoing it with coffee, alcohol, tobacco, caffeinated and carbonated drinks often result in heartburn problems. We pay for it by suffering pain behind the chest bone, burning in the stomach and throat, inability to … Read more

How to Treat Symptoms of Heartburn

[ad_1] Heartburn, or acid indigestion, is a burning sensation mid chest that worsens when you bend over or lay down. It usually occurs after eating and at night. It is caused by reflux. Reflux occurs when the acid in your stomach backs up into your food pipe (esophagus), resulting in inflammation. It is considered a … Read more