Fast Acting Heartburn Diet – Get Rid of


Are you looking for a fast acting heartburn diet? Tired of having an acidic stomach and avoiding all the great tasting food? Tired of wondering if the pain in your chest is acid indigestion or something worse? Then it’s time you found a simple solution that will rid you of your heartburn forever.

Why We Have Heartburn

Heartburn occurs when partially digested food remains in your stomach and fails to completely digest. Sometimes it sits there, irritating the stomach lining and giving you gas, while other times it moves back up your esophagus burning the lining as it goes.

And while occasional heartburn is uncomfortable and somewhat painful, it’s the chronic heartburn that is really dangerous. It can do permanent damage to your stomach, esophagus, throat, mouth and vocal cords.

Heartburn Treatments

Conventional treatment of heartburn is to prescribe drugs which decrease the acid in your stomach, however this is really the last thing you want to do. The food there is failing to digest. You don’t want less stomach acid, you want the right stomach acid.

Your goal should be to get your food digested more quickly, and more completely. The faster you can get that food out of your stomach and into the intestines, the more nutrients you will be able to absorb and the less likely you’ll be to have any form of digestion problem.

The Cure for Your Heartburn

Here is the cure for your heartburn in its most basic form. Protein takes a specific type of stomach acid to digest. Let’s call it type “A” acid. Carbohydrates take a different specific type of stomach acid to digest – let’s call it type “B”. The problem is, type A acid and type B acid when mixed, neutralize each other. So if you mix equal amounts of Proteins and Carbohydrates, your food simply sits there and doesn’t digest.


Source by B.J. Gordey

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